Yevtushenko, D. A.Odarenko, E. N.2019-05-272019-05-272017Yevtushenko D. A. Interaction of the electromagnetic radiation with two-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystal / D. A. Yevtushenko, E. N. Odarenko // Materiály XIII Mezinárodní vĕdecko - praktická konference «Zprěvy vědecké ideje - 2017». - Volume 4 : Praha, Česká republika, - S. 24-26. and nonlinear photonic crystals illuminated by plane wave are considered in this work. Kerr nonlinearity is assumed. The modeling of such structures and calculations of the dispersion diagrams and transmittance are performed in software packages MEEP and MPB.en-USphotonic crystalnonlinear mediadispersion diagramsInteraction of the electromagnetic radiation with two-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystalConference proceedings