Новоселов, С. П.Сичова, О. В.2019-09-272019-09-272019Sergiy Novoselov, Oksana Sychova. Intelligent Lighting Control and Management System. // First International Scientific and Practical Conference «Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Device Development on Microcontrollers and FPGAs» MC&FPGA-2019, Kharkiv, Ukraine, July 26-27, 2019. – Kharkiv: NURE, MC&FPGA, 2019. – P. 27-28. DOI: 10.35598/mcfpga.2019.009https://mcfpga.nure.ua/conf/2019-mcfpga/10-35598-mcfpga-2019-009https://doi.org/10.35598/mcfpga.2019.009http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/9827This paper discusses the features of building an automated lighting control system. The architecture of the automated system is given. The block diagram is considered and its components are described. The principle of interaction of intelligent devices with the server is given. Presented the rationale and benefits from the introduction of such a system.enlight controlintelligentlednetwork modulemonitoringserverIIoTIntelligent Lighting Control and Management SystemThesis