Lyashenko, V.Kobylin, O.2016-09-052016-09-052014TIJ's Research Journal of Science & IT Management, Vol 3, No 5 (2014): 01 March 2014, 32-39 more information from the available statistical data involves the use of different methods and approaches to the processing of such data. This is especially important from the point of view of weakly formalized processes, phenomena and objects, which include data on economic dynamics. At the same time an important element of extracting additional information about the studied processes, phenomena or objects is their visualization. This suggests the application feasibility of the visual analytics methodology, where the construction of covering figures on the set of points that describe processes, phenomena or objects of economic dynamics should be pointed out. Based on this, the paper suggests the procedure for the construction of the covering shape as a rectangle. Possible application methods for the proposed procedure in the analysis of economic dynamics tasks are described.enanalysiscovering shapesdata visualizationeconomic dynamicsphase portraitvisual analyticsOn the construction of covering shapes for the analysis of economic dynamicsArticle