Borysenko, I. A.Sotnik, S. V.2023-09-282023-09-282023Borysenko I. A. Chat gpt features in data search / I. A. Borysenko, S. V. Sotnik // Scientific progress : innovations, achievements and prospects : proceedings of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference, 29-31 May, 2023. – Munich : MDPC Publishing, 2023. – P. 139–143. paper examines four most important applications of ChatGPT, gives some examples of use and reveals some features of ChatGPT. Such a study is necessary in order to determine potential of innovative technology, its advantages and limitations, and this in turn will be useful for future users of chatbots and for educational process.enChatGPTinnovative technologydata searchChat gpt features in data searchConference proceedings