Martynchuk, A.Zubrytskyi, H.Xuan, LiMartynchuk, O.2020-06-222020-06-222020Martynchuk A., Zubrytskyi H., Xuan Li, Martynchuk O. Some limitations of evaluating dual-polarized MIMO channel capacity // Системи обробки інформації, 2020, випуск 2 (161). - С. 16-21. DOI: 10.30748/soi.2020.161.02.1681-7710 article discusses possible bandwidth limitations of a radio access channel using MIMO technology with polarization-orthogonal channels, or dual polarization channels. The main attention is paid to the presence of cross-polarization isolation between channels, or cross-polarization relation, or Cross Polar Discrimination. The indicated ratio is determined mainly by the design features of the antennas. It is proposed to choose antennas with the minimum required values of cross-polarization ratio, which limit a given channel bandwidth.enSNRSNIRdual polarization channelsChannel capacityCross Polar DiscriminationSome limitations of evaluating dual-polarized MIMO channel capacityДеякі обмеження оцінювання пропускної здатності МІМО-каналу подвійної поляризаціїНекоторые ограничения оценки пропускной способности МИМО-канала двойной поляризации