Velychko, O.Kampos, K.2019-06-132019-06-132019Velychko O. Application of wavelet transformation for QRS-complex definition / О. Velychko, К. Kampos // Інформаційні технології: наука, техніка, технологія, освіта, здоров’я: тези доповідей ХXVІІ міжнародної науково-практичної конференції MicroCAD-2019 - Харків. - 2019. - С. 6 of QRS-definition based on the wavelet transformation had been developed and realized in Matlab. The ECG-signal had been transformed by the complex Morlet-wavelet. Principle of QRS borders is based on the features of regular and irregular components of the certain wavelet spectrum.enwavelet transformationECG segmentationApplication of wavelet transformation for QRS-complex definitionThesis