Presnjakov, I. N.Nefedov, L. I.Krivenko, S. A.Stativka, A. P.2016-08-172016-08-172008Theory and Applications of Constraine LinearPredictive (LP) models / I. N. Presnjakov and all // Радиоэлектроника и информатика : науч.-техн. журн. – Х. : Изд-во ХНУРЭ, 2008. – Вып. 1. – С. 70-77. present paper relates generally to speech encoding and decoding in voice communication systems; and, more particularly, it relates to various techniques used with code- excited linear prediction coding to obtain high quality speech reproduction through a limited bit rate communication channel.enAMRSpeech codingCELPTheory and Applications of Constrained LinearPredictive (LP) modelsArticle