Грицюк, В. К.2023-04-182023-04-182020Грицюк В. К. Види атак на стегосистему та захист від них / В. К. Грицюк // Радіоелектроніка та молодь у ХХІ столітті : матеріали 24 Міжнар. молодіж. форуму, 7–9 квіт. 2020 р. – Харків : ХНУРЕ, 2020. – Т. 4. – С. 48–49.https://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/22669In this publication, we consider the types of attacks on the stegosystem and methods for countering them. Steganography is a communication method. The task of steganography is to hide the very fact of the existence of secret data during its transmission, storage or processing. In other words, hiding the existence of information means not only the impossibility of detecting a hidden message in an intercepted message, but also generally making it impossible to raise any suspicions about this. A common feature of steganographic methods is that the hidden message is embedded in a certain object (container) that does not attract attention, which is then openly forwarded to the addresseeukВиди атак на стегосистему та захист від нихConference proceedings