Yevdokymenko, M. O.2019-08-262019-08-262019Yevdokymenko M. O Multipath QoE-routing model with providing quality rating / Yevdokymenko M. O. // Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference of Science and Technology “AVIA-2019″ – Р. 8.18-8.20 work has solved a relevant task to ensure the required level of quality of experience in an infocommunication network, which implied the development of a model of the multipath QoE-routing while maintaining the required quality rating. The result of studying the proposed model is the calculated quantitative indicator for a quality rating, which, compared to recommended indicators according to existing recommendations, makes it possible to evaluate the execution of the predefined level of QoE.enQoE-routing modelquality ratingroutinglevel of QoEMultipath QoE-routing model with providing quality ratingArticle