Stognii, N. P.Sakhnenko, N. K.2018-05-162018-05-162014Stognii N. P. Hybrid plasmons in assemblies of coupled metal nanowires / N. P. Stognii, N. К. Sakhnenko // Int. Symp. on Antennas and Propagation (AP-S-2014), July 6-11, 2014. – Memphis, Fennessee, 2014. – P. 352 - 353. paper presents an accurate study of plasmon hybridization in assemblies of coupled metal nanowires. Our modeling provides results in terms of eigenfrequencies and quality factors. For this eigenvalue problem that follows from Maxwell’s equations has been solved. Possibility of quality factor enhancement in optimized assemble configurations has been demonstrated.enPlasmonsnanowiresHybrid plasmons in assemblies of coupled metal nanowiresConference proceedings