Sotnik, S.Lyashenko, V.2022-04-302022-04-302022Sotnik S. Agricultural Robotic Platforms / S. Sotnik, V. Lyashenko // International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS). – 2022. – Vol. 6(4). – pp. 14-21.2643-640X overview article discusses latest advances in robotics using example of 2, 4 and 6 finite walking robots applied in various fields. The document provides an overview of main types of walking robots structures, body shapes and types of movers . Thus, on basis of review, classification of main types of walking robots structures, body shapes and types of walking robots movers is given; main parameters and areas of application of walking robots are determined. The paper considers novelties in robotics: bipedal robot, which is most realistic of Ameca's humanoid robots; bipedal robot Kaleid Friends, as well as an innovative robot with 4 limbs Bex (Kawasaki) and 6 – Robotics Six-legged Spider.enwalking robotdesignAgricultural Robotic PlatformsArticle