Pribylnova, I. В.Pribylnov, A. О.2024-09-182024-09-182021Pribylnova I. В. Impact of digitalization on the economic security of small and medium-sized enterprises / I. В. Pribylnova, A. О. Pribylnov // Сучасні стратегії економічного розвитку: наука, інновації та бізнес-освіта : матеріали ІІ Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., 2 листопада 2021 р. – Харків : ХНУРЕ, 2021. – С. 59–61. the problems of ensuring economic security in the modern realities of digitalization of socio-economic processes is an important and urgent task for the national economy. Unsteady external and internal conditions, digital transformation of almost all spheres of life inevitably give rise to new threats and challenges, which requires a prompt response and improvement of ways to minimize risksenensuring economic securityбізнес-освітаImpact of digitalization on the economic security of small and medium-sized enterprisesConference proceedings