Frolov, D. Y.2024-11-192024-11-192024Frolov D. Y. Ways of achieving fault tolerance of heterogeneous information systems under conditions of external influence / D. Y. Frolov // Проблеми iнформатизацiї : тези доповідей дванадцятої міжнар. наук.-техн. конф., 21–22 листопада 2024 р. – Том 2: секцiя 4. – Баку–Харків–Бельсько-Бяла, 2024. – С. 79. concept of fault tolerance in relation to the functioning of information systems is the key indicator of reliability. As a rule, classical information systems that can be described using tuple mathematics are rare. Instead, in practice, heterogeneous information systems are created. They have properties of other systems, including technical.enfault toleranceheterogeneous information systemsWays of achieving fault tolerance of heterogeneous information systems under conditions of external influenceConference proceedings