Lazorenko, O. V.2016-09-202016-09-202008Lazorenko, O. V. New Parameters of the Ultrawideband Signals and Processes / O. V. Lazorenko / Материалы конференции Ultrawideband and Ultrashort Impulse Signals. 15-19 September 2008 г. - Sevastopol. 2008. - С. 183-185. possibility of distinguishing of the ultrawideband (UWB) and frequency modulated (FM) signals is considered. It is emonstrated that FM signal, being narrowband in each instant of time, with the traditional UWB signal definition usage can be falsely classified as the UWB signal. The dynamic fractional bandwidth conception based on the analysis of the spectral density function of short-time Fourier transform is proposed. The efficiency of the new criterion based on this conception for FM signal analysis is shown.enultrawideband signalfrequency-modulated signaldynamic fractional bandwidthNew Parameters of the Ultrawideband Signals and ProcessesArticle