Loshakov, V. A.Al-Janabi H. D.Al-Zayadi H. K.2016-05-302016-05-302012Loshakov, V. A. Adaptive control signal parameters in LTE technology with MIMO [Text] / V.A. Loshakov, H.D. Al-Janabi, H.K. Al-Zayadi // Проблеми телекомунікацій. - 2012. № 2 (7). - С. 78–90. Режим доступа к журн.: http://pt.journal.kh.ua/2012/2/1/122_loshakov_mimo.pdf.http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/430In this paper are considering ability of increasing the LTE performance by using the adaptation CQI feedback. The Block Error Rate of the Channel Quality Indicator performance has to be investigated depending on different configuration of MIMO.enLTEMIMOCQIMCSBLERAMCOLSMCLSMUEAdaptive control signal parameters in LTE technology with MIMOArticle