Gorokhovatskyi, V.Gadetska, S.Stiahlyk, N.2024-12-222024-12-222024Gorokhovatskyi V. Classification of images based on distance assessment / V. Gorokhovatskyi, S. Gadetska, N. Stiahlyk // Information Technology and Implementation (Satellite) : Conference Proceedings, November 21, 2024. – Kyiv : Publishing House «Caravela». – P. 22-24.https://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/29478A method of image classification based on the estimation of the distance to the etalon class is proposed. The introduction of estimates provides a significant gain in classification speed compared to linear search while maintaining a decent level of accuracy. The methodology is based on the use of the triangle inequality for images given by a set of binary vectors - descriptors of the key points of the image.en-USclassification of imageskeypoint descriptorspeed of classificationClassification of images based on distance assessmentConference proceedings