Krivoulya, G.Tkachov, V.Tokarev, V.Hunko, M.2020-12-212020-12-212019Implementation of mobile eye tracking systems for preventing emergency situations based on monitoring of driver behavior / G. Krivoulya, V. Tokariev, V. Tkachov, M. Hunko // «Проблеми інформатизації»: матеріали 7-ої міжнар. наук.-техн. конф., 13–15 листопада 2019 р. – Харків, 2019. – Т.3. – С. 36. studies have shown that lack of sleep and, hence, a slowdown in the reaction speed and drowsiness can be as dangerous as a state of alcoholic intoxication i.e. a delayed reaction and a decrease in concentration [1]. As a solution to this problem, an approach is proposed for the development of active safety systems (ASS) aimed at preventing emergencies based on monitoring the behavior of a vehicle driver and timely notification of the driver about the current situation by generating context-oriented recommendations.eneye trackingImplementation of mobile eye tracking systems for preventing emergency situations based on monitoring of driver behaviorThesis