Anghel Drugarin Cornelia VictoriaM. Ayaz AhmadN. Ameer AhamadLyashenko, V.2016-09-022016-09-022015Anghel Drugarin Cornelia Victoria, M.Ayaz Ahmad, N. Ameer Ahmad, Vyacheslav V.Lyashenko, “Algorithmic Research and Application Using the Rayleigh Method”, Int. Journal ofScience & Research (IJSR), Vol 4 (4), pp. 1669-1671, 2015. aim ofthis article is topresent the general notions and algorithm about power (Rayleigh) method. The solutions for a numerical example are given and the C++ program illustrated the facility ofthis method. Wecan concluded, that the small number of iterations resulted todetermined the equation solutions, indicated us, that the chosen ofpower method isa good decision.enMatrixesRayleigh numerical methodalgorithmpower methodresearchDevC++ programAlgorithmic Research and Application Using the Rayleigh MethodArticle