Doroshenko, V. A.Semenova, E. K.Doroshenko, Ya. V.Ruzhytskya, S. V.2018-09-072018-09-072007Doroshenko V. A. Diffraction of the plane electromagnetic wave on the structure incorporating two coaxial unclosed cones / V. A. Doroshenko, E. K. Semenova, Ya. V. Doroshenko, S. V. Ruzhytskya // Journal of telecommunications and radio engineering – 2007. – Vol. 66. – №. 5. – P. 427-439. paper is developed to the investigation of plane wave diffraction on the 3D composite unclosed conical structure consisting of two cones with longitudinal slots. The rigorous analytical-numerical approach, based on the Kontorovich-Lebedev integral transform and the semi-inversion method, has been developed and applied to solve this problem.enKontorovich-Lebedev integral transformdiffractionDiffraction of the plane electromagnetic wave on the structure incorporating two coaxial unclosed conesArticle