Евсеева, О. Ю.Гаркуша, С. В.2016-06-092016-06-092012Евсеева, О. Ю. Обзор технологических и теоретических решений в области маршрутизации на основе качества обслуживания [Текст] / О. Ю. Евсеева, С. В. Гаркуша // Проблеми телекомунікацій. - 2012. № 3 (8). - С. 24 – 46.http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/654Under rising requirements for telecommunication network role of routing increases, because routing is an effective tool to ensure the specified end-to end quality of service (QoS). Nowadays the routing is transformed into QoS-based routing which focuses on the searching one or more paths for delivering packets where all described in the SLA requirements for quality of service must be satisfied. A set of technological and theoretical solutions is developed for solving QoS-based routing problem. About it several concepts deserves attention among which source routing, precomputed routing, route server concept. From theoretical point of view QoS-based routing problem can be solved by using graph theory approach or flow-based mathematical model of network. The graph theory approach is based on structure only and doesn’t take into account flow properties of transmitted traffic. As a result it doesn’t allow allocating network resources between different traffics and concordance between routing, accesses, queuing, and reservation. As a rule a flow-based approach solves QoS-based routing problem as mathematical programming problem with QoS-constrains. For example, it can be tensor constrains. The article contains possible lines of development of QoS-based routing that include conversion to dynamical metrics and dynamical models with QoS-constrains, not only load balancing but quality balancing, concordance between routing and another traffic control tasks.ruмаршрутизациямоделпротоколтелекоммуникационная сетьОбзор технологических и теоретических решений в области маршрутизации на основе качества обслуживанияArticle