Стрельницький, О. О.Свид, І. В.Обод, І. І.Мальцев, О. С.Заволодько, Г. Е.2019-05-152019-05-152019Oleksii O. Strelnytskyi, Iryna V. Svyd, Ivan I. Obod, Oleksandr S. Maltsev, Ganna E. Zavolodko. Optimization of Secondary Surveillance Radar Data Processing. // International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (IJISA). - MECS Press, Vol. 11, No. 5, 2019. – P. 1-8. DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2019.05.0110.5815/ijisa.2019.05.01http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/8664Secondary surveillance radar (SSR) performs one of the main functions of information service for consumers of the airspace control system. To improve the quality the SSR information is processed using modern information technology. The use of a consistent procedure for processing surveillance system data, due to the functionally completed stages of processing, made it possible to formalize the data processing procedure. However, this significantly limited, and in some cases excluded, the opportunities for inter-stage optimization of data processing. The SSR data processing structure synthesis and analysis are considered in this paper making it possible to perform a joint optimization of signal processing and primary processing of data, as well as to improve the quality of data processing.enінформаційне забезпеченнярадіолокаційна системарадіолокаційне опізнаваннясистеми спостереженняSSRIFFуправління повітряним рухомNeumann-Pearson criterionair traffic controlOptimization of Secondary Surveillance Radar Data ProcessingОптимизация обработки данных систем вторичной радиолокацииArticle