Khmiliarchuk, O.Riabokon, S.2024-05-242024-05-242024Khmiliarchuk O. Features of manufacturing philatelic products "on demend" / O. Khmiliarchuk, S. Riabokon // Поліграфічні, мультимедійні та web-технології : тези доп. IX Міжнар. наук.-техн. конф., 14-18 травня 2024 р. – Т. 1. – Харків: ТОВ «Друкарня Мадрид», 2024. – С. 52-53. of the types of accidental products is marked and philatelic products (postage stamps and blocks, envelopes, postal cards, etc.). Currently, this direction is gradually gaining special demand both in the country and abroad. Postal issues are now bought not only to pay for postal services or to replenish one's own collections, but also to make an original gift.enmanufacturingFeatures of manufacturing philatelic products "on demend"Thesis