Deineko, Zh.Sotnik, S.Lyashenko, V.2022-07-302022-07-302022Deineko Zh. Usage and Application Prospects QR Codes / Zh. Deineko, V. Lyashenko, S. Sotnik // International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS). – 2022. – Vol. 6(7). – P. 40-48.ISSN: 2643-640X paper considers 6 types of QR codes and real examples of their application, as a result, diagram visualizing the general statistics of the use of QR codes in 4 most promising areas is presented. This article is an overview of QR codes wit h their characteristics and versions. The article briefly presents applications for Android and devices for access control with ability to read barcodes, analyzing their functions and formats.enQR codereaderUsage and Application Prospects QR CodesArticle