Mohammad, A.Lyashenko, V.Sinelnikova, T.2018-06-222018-06-222017Mohammad A., Lyashenko V., Sinelnikova T. Conformity Analysis Between Experimental and Theoretical Data in the Study Collisions of Relativistic Heavy Ion (The Case φ-Space) // Scholars Bulletin. – 2017. – Vol. 3(4). – P. 180-187.2412-9771 applied the wavelet methodology to study the results of the chaotic behavior of the production of particles in relativistic collisions of heavy ions. We use wavelet coherence to analyze the correspondence between theoretical and experimental data. We examined the 1-D phase space of variable (the case φ-space). We also compared the wavelet coherence values for η-space and φ-space. It was also shown that the values of the wavelet of coherence depend on the values of the parameters p and q. We discussed our new results for the comparison purpose and findings were in the good agreements.enWavelet Coherencerelativistic dynamicsphases spaceConformity Analysis Between Experimental and Theoretical Data in the Study Collisions of Relativistic Heavy Ion (The Case φ-Space)Article