Shostko, I. S.Tevyashev, A. D.Zemlyaniy, O.2021-05-242021-05-242020Shostko I. S. The Task of Weapon Guidance onto the Aerial Target Using Optoelectronic Station of Trajectory Measurements / I. S. Shostko, A. D.Tevyashev, O. Zemlyaniy // Інформаційні системи та технології : матеріали 9-ї Міжнар. наук.-техн. конф., 17-20 листопада 2020 р. – Харків : Друкарня Мадрид, 2020. – С. 106–109. work is devoted to the development of a simulation model of tracking and measuring the coordinates of the flight of a missile over rough terrain to a moving target. To guide the missile, target designation from the optical-electronic station of trajectory measurements is used.enaerial objectoptoelectronic station of trajectory measurementssimulation modelThe Task of Weapon Guidance onto the Aerial Target Using Optoelectronic Station of Trajectory MeasurementsConference proceedings