Machekhin, Yu. P.2019-05-152019-05-152015Machekhin Yu. P. Measurement of non physical quantities / Yu. P. Machekhin // XXI IMEKO World Congress “Measurement in Research and Industry, August 30 - September 4, 2015 - Prague, Czech Republic - 2015 - P. 1. work focused on the development of measurement methods in non-physical areas of human activity. Analyzed not technical activities of a person lying in the fields of social, biological, economic and other areas where no standards or measurement procedures, built on mathematical and physical models. It is shown that for measuring physical quantities it is necessary to use methods that provide measurements and processing of measurement results. Implementation of measurements of physical quantities for which there are no reference values, is possible only in the case when a connection is established between the test value and operating parameters, which is in the nature of the scales. The basis of these scales are measured intervals of time during which the dynamic system is returned to a stable state.enmeasurementmathematical modelphysical modelMeasurement of non physical quantitiesAbstract of Thesis