Gritsunov, A. V.2019-05-312019-05-312016Gritsunov A. The Second Quantization of Natural Electromagnetic and Electron-Positron Oscillatory Systems / Gritsunov A. // Proc. 17th IEEE Int. Vacuum Electronics Conf. (IVEC 2016) – Monterey, California (USA). – 2016. – P. 347-348. statistical second quantization method for natural electromagnetic (NEMOS) and electron-positron (NEPOS) oscillatory systems is described. The spatial (spatio-temporal) localization of NEPOS and NEMOS wavepackets is supposed to be a result of their permanent interaction, i.e., the exchange with random momentum (energy-momentum) quanta between those systems. The absence of “zero-point oscillations” of natural distributed oscillatory systems is asserted.en-USoscillatory systemsecond quantizationzero-point oscillationThe Second Quantization of Natural Electromagnetic and Electron-Positron Oscillatory SystemsConference proceedings