Євдокименко, М. О.Єременко, О. С.2017-05-242017-05-242017http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/3666This article focuses on the issue of ensuring security transmission of data between end devices and servers of IoT-system, namely, the investigation of cryptographic functions for data encryption. In this paper, a comparative analysis of lightweight cryptographic algorithms (RSA, ECC, AES, XTEA), designed for devices with limited resources such as memory, CPU energy consumption and execution time. As a result of the analysis, there arises the need to develop a secure algorithm that combines the best characteristics of lightweight symmetric and asymmetric algorithms with the minimization of execution time with the corresponding energy needs and ensuring confidentiality, integrity and authenticity.ukinfocommunicationsкібербезпекаінтернет речейкриптографічний алгоритмАналіз легковагових крипотграфічних алгоритмів для безпечної передачі даних між кінцевими пристроями з обмеженими ресурсами в системі Інтернет речейConference proceedings