Sytnykova, Yu. V.2024-06-192024-06-192024Sytnykova Yu. Chat technologies in teaching mathematics disciplines in higher education : a correct using strategy / Yu. Sytnykova // Проблеми викладання математики у закладах освіти : теорія, методика, практика : тези доповідей ІІІ Міжнар. конф. на честь 105-річчя О. В. Погорелова, 26–28 березня 2024 р. – Харків, 2024. – С. 162-164. current trends in the dialogue technologies utilizing in higher education is considered, new realities in the use of chat technologies to improve the educational process are highlighted. The advantages and disadvantages of implementing chat technologies based on ChatGPT in a studying mathematical disciplines are emphasized. Conclusions are drawn about the further correct implementation of chat technologies in higher education.endialogue technologiesChatGPTmathematics disciplinescorrect strategyChat technologies in teaching mathematics disciplines in higher education: a correct using strategyThesis