Gritsunov, A. V.Ostapyuk, N. V.2019-05-312019-05-312007Gritsunov A. V. Numerical Simulation of UWB Electromagnetic Pulses Propagation in Dispersive Electrodynamic Lines / Gritsunov A.V., Ostapyuk N.V. // Proc. Sixth Int. Kharkov Symp. on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW’07). – Vol. 1. – Kharkov (Ukraine). – 2007. – P. 313-315. paper considers a computer simulation method for ultrawideband (UWB) pulse fields excited in a regular electrodynamic line by either a short external current or by a bunched electron beam. The high-frequency components of the radio pulse move more rapidly than the low-frequency ones, the first overtake the latter after some time. The delay line does not transmit the low-frequency components of the video pulse at all, so this turns into a radio pulse gradually passing some distance.en-USultrawideband pulseregular electrodynamic linedispersion characteristicNumerical Simulation of UWB Electromagnetic Pulses Propagation in Dispersive Electrodynamic LinesConference proceedings