Artiukh, R.Nevliudova, V.2019-05-282019-05-282019Artiukh R. The system of automating the process of personnel selection / R. Artiukh, V. Nevliudova // Інформаційні технології : наука, техніка, технологія, освіта, здоров’я : тези доп. ХXVІІ Міжнар. наук.- практ. конф. (MicroCAD'2019), 15-17 травня 2019 р. : у 4 ч. - Харків : НТУ «ХПІ», 2019. – Ч. IV. - С. 207. paper deals with the issues of automating the process of the business personnel selection since the general management of the organization depends on the right approach to personnel tasks. Personnel selection for an enterprise is a very important and complex process and it should follow the appropriate algorithm. Among current technologies of personnel selection, three basic ones should be distinguished; they are headhunting, recruiting and screening. To find specialists, recruitment officers often use various channels including professional networks, recommendations, and corporate databases. The following stages of the process of personnel selection are proposed: receiving job requisitions; analyzing the labour market; choosing and implementing the techniques of personnel selection methods.enThe system of automating the process of personnel selectionThesis