Pavlova, N.Avrunin, O. G.Аврунін, О. Г.2017-10-022017-10-022017The National Journal of Biomedical Engineering CC-BY LCC – BF176-176.5 DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.5230351 search for a solution of automation of the process of assessment of a psychological analysis of the person drawings created by it from an available set of some templates are presented at this article. It will allow to reveal more effectively infringements of persons mentality. In particular, such decision can be used for work with children who possess the developed figurative thinking, but are not yet capable of an accurate statement of the thoughts and experiences. For automation of testing by using a projective method, we construct interactive environment for visualization of compositions of the several images and then analyse.enPsychophysiological analysisImage Construction to Automation of ProjectiveTechniques for Psychophysiological AnalysisArticle