Булах, В. А.Кіріченко, Л. О.Радивилова, Т. А.2018-06-052018-06-052018Bulakh V. Generalized approach to Hurst exponent estimating / V. Bulakh, L. Kirichenko, T. Radivilova // Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarcei Ochronie Środowiska (IAPGOŚ). – 2018. – №8 (1). – РР. 28-31.http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/5842This paper presents a generalized approach to the fractal analysis of self-similar random processes by short time series. Several stages of the fractal analysis are proposed. Preliminary time series analysis includes the removal of short-term dependence, the identification of true long-term dependence and hypothesis test on the existence of a self-similarity property. Methods of unbiased interval estimation of the Hurst exponent in cases of stationary and non-stationary time series are discussed. Methods of estimate refinement are proposed. This approach is applicable to the study of selfsimilar time series of different natureenself-similar stochastic processtime seriesHurst exponentGeneralized approach to Hurst exponent estimatingArticle