Matarneh, RamiMaksymova, S.Zeleniy, A.Lyashenko, V.2020-05-202020-05-202018Matarneh R., Maksymova S., Zeleniy A., Lyashenko V. Voice Control for Flexible Medicine Robot // International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT). – 2018. – Vol. 55(1). – P. 1-5.2231-2803 use of robots in medicine is a promising direction of research. The possibility of controlling a medical robot with the help of a voice is considered. We use a logical model to form voice commands. A set of commands for carrying out intracranial operations is presented. The results obtained can be used to create a subsystem for entering the voice information of a medical robot.envoice controlmedicine robotVoice Control for Flexible Medicine RobotArticle