Nerukh, A.Kuryzheva, O.Benson, T.2024-03-182024-03-182018Nerukh A. Time-spatial structure of airy pulse in non-stationary environment / A. Nerukh, O. Kuryzheva, T. Benson // Optical and Quantum Electronics. – 2018. – №2 (52) . – Pp. 1-10. transformation of an electromagnetic pulse in a triply asymmetric electro-dynamic problem is considered. Asymmetry is specified by an initial Airy pulse with asymmetric behaviour in the past and in the future, by the presence of a boundary between two dielectric media, and by the temporal behaviour of refractive index in one of themenAiry pulseintegral equationtransient bounded dielectricTime-spatial structure of airy pulse in non-stationary environmentArticle