Lyashenko, V.Mohammad, A.Lyubchenko, V.Kobylin, O.Khan, A.2018-06-252018-06-252016Lyashenko V., Mohammad A., Lyubchenko V., Kobylin O., Khan A. Image Processing a New Era in the Study of Natural Polymer Composites // Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary. – 2016. – Vol. 3(3). – P. 288-300.2319-2801 processing is one of the fundamentals of various intelligence systems based on data analysis. It is caused by that the significant part of information about outward things can be received on the basis of the video data analysis about images of the real world. As an example, we reviewed the methodology of image processing in the study of polymer compositions. We have shown the need to apply the methodology of image processing in the study of polymer compositions. Such analysis uses various methods, approaches and theories where the special place is occupied by the procedures connected with recognition of scenes or separate objects, presented on incoming images. This allows you to improve the study of the properties of fiber as a reinforcing agent in polymer compositions.enimage processinghistogram equalizationImage Processing a New Era in the Study of Natural Polymer CompositesArticle