Kolisnyk, K.Tomashevskyi, R.Avrunin, O. G.Nosova, Ya.Аврунін, О. Г.Носова, Я. В.2020-12-152020-12-152020Virtual biomedical laboratory research in distance learning / K. Kolisnyk, R. Tomashevskyi, O. Avrunin, Ya. Nosova // Актуальні проблеми автоматики та приладобудування :матеріали III Міжнарод. наук.-техн. конфер., 03-04 грудня 2020 р. / Г. В. Лісачук (голова оргком.) – Х. , 2020. – С. 37–38.http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/13941One of the most promising directions in this direction is a panoramic view. The use of interactive control and high resolution allows you to realize the key advantage of such panoramic video - the effect of presence. Considering that medicine often uses expensive equipment, access to which is limited for development, as well as various new approaches and methods, for example, in surgical treatment, which must be demonstrated to acquire practical skills, it is advisable to use panoramic teaching video for these purposes.enpanoramic viewteaching videolaboratory workshopstechnical disciplinesVirtual biomedical laboratory research in distance learningAbstract of Thesis