Strilkova, T. O.Lytyuga, O. P.2019-06-072019-06-072018Strilkova T. O. Stochastic-deterministic methods of signals and images processing in optpelectronic systems / T. O. Strilkova, O. P. Lytyuga // Оптоелектронні інформаційні технології “ФОТОНІКА-ОДС-2018”: Зб. тез доп. міжнар. наук.-тех. конф., 2 - 4 жовт. 2018 р. - Вінниця, 2018. - C. 15.978-617-7237-50-0 problems are dealt with observation of low-size and thin-contrast objects signals from which are characterized by energy subjacent below the optic electronic system sensitivity threshold. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of the developed methods of spatial-tine interframe and intraframe signal processing which are able significantly improve the quality of images of movable and closely spaced objects are discussed in the report.ensignals processingimages processingopticelectronic systemStochastic-deterministic methods of signals and images processing in optpelectronic systemsConference proceedings