Кобзєв, В. Г.AlKilani Mohamed2020-06-032020-06-032019AlKilani Mohamed, Kobziev V. Stages of Data Analysis Process to Implementing E-Government Project // Матеріали 8-ї міжнародної науково-технічної конференції «Інформаційні системи та технології-2019», 9-14 вересня 2019 р. Коблеве-Харків-Україна. – Х.: ТОВ «Друкарня Мадрид». – 2019. – С. 154–157.http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/11960The success of implementing any project depends largely on identifying the weaknesses and strengths of a project, through a set of stages. This paper aims to clarify the main stages of implementing e-government project, also aims to explain the stages by answering the following questions: How to make an overview of the e-government project? How to gathering data? How to analyze the collected data? How to design the conceptual framework?enData CollectionData AnalysisDesign Conceptual FrameworkStages of Data Analysis Process to Implementing E-Government ProjectThesis