Ивженко, Л. И.Одаренко, Е. Н.Тарапов, С. И.2019-06-152019-06-152015Ивженко Л. И. Магнитоуправляемые проволочные среды микроволнового диапазона / Л. И. Ивженко, Е. Н. Одаренко, С. И. Тарапов // Сб. Трудов VIII Международной научной конф. «Функциональная база наноэлектроники». 28 сент. – 2 окт., Одесса, 2015. – С. 43-48.http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/9370The paper is devoted to experimental and theoretical investigation of the spectral characteristics of anisotropic wire metamaterials. The wire metamaterial is a two-dimensional array consisting of thin copper wires, having wire diameter of 0.2 mm. Transmission spectrums with clearly expressed plasma frequency are obtained. Microwave range with a negative effective permittivity is located below than plasma frequency. The measured spectrums have a good agreement with the theoretical simulations in the millimeter waveband. Investigations were carried out in the frequency range 22-40 GHz. Theoretically shown possibility of effective management of the transmission spectrum of a wire medium with a magnetic filling by changing the external magnetic field near the electron magnetic resonance.ruметаматериалпроволочная средаплазменная частотамиллиметровый диапазонМагнитоуправляемые проволочные среды микроволнового диапазонаConference proceedings