Саенко, В. И.2019-04-012019-04-012016Sayenko V. Effective set of software tools for the computer network management / V. Sayenko // Сборник тезисов докладов XIV конференции по физике высоких энергий, ядерной физике и ускорителям – Харьков: ННЦ ХФТИ, 2016. - С. 79-80.http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/8264An effective tool for the management of computer networks based on special software modules is considered. Modules of PowerShell scripts are used to form a software library. The modules are grouped by functional characteristics, management areas and types of network components.encomputer networkcomputer network managementWMCIMPower Shellsoftware libraryEffective set of software tools for the computer network managementConference proceedings