Akhmed Ebrakhim2020-12-122020-12-122020Akhmed Ebrakhim Sweat analysis device / Ebrakhim Akhmed // The world of science and innovation. Abstracts of the 5th International scientific and practical conference. Cognum Publishing House. London, United Kingdom. 2020. Pp. 70-73. URL: https://sci-conf.com.ua/v-mezhdunarodnaya-nauchno-prakticheskaya-konferentsiya-the-world-of-science-and-innovation-9-11-dekabrya-2020-goda-london-velikobritaniya-arhiv/.http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/13895There is information about create the device fot sweat analysis. Using the biosensor and the mobile phone and some program it is posible develop the enough simple and usefull device for get information about big numbers different human parametersensweatanalysisSweat analysis deviceThesis