Карнаушенко, В. П.Бородин, А. В.2019-09-272019-09-272019Vladimir Karnaushenko, Alexander Borodin. Field Programmable Counter Arrays Integration with Field Programmable Gates Arrays. // First International Scientific and Practical Conference «Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Device Development on Microcontrollers and FPGAs» MC&FPGA-2019, Kharkiv, Ukraine, July 26-27, 2019. – Kharkiv: NURE, MC&FPGA, 2019. – P. 14-16. DOI: 10.35598/mcfpga.2019.004https://mcfpga.nure.ua/conf/2019-mcfpga/10-35598-mcfpga-2019-004https://doi.org/10.35598/mcfpga.2019.004http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/9832Field Programmable Counter Arrays (FPCAs) have been recently introduced to close the gap between Field Programmable Gates Arrays (FPGA) and Application Specified Integrated Circuits (ASICs) for arithmetic dominated applications. FPCAs are reconfigurable lattices that can be embedded into FPGAs to efficiently compute the result of multi-operand additions.enField Programmable Counter Arraysarithmetic applicationsintegrationshadow clusterField Programmable Counter Arrays Integration with Field Programmable Gates ArraysThesis