Бондарев, В. М.Науменко, С. А.Пивоварова, И. В.2024-11-202024-11-202002Бондарев В. М. Сетевой университет / В. М. Бондарев, С. А. Науменко, И. В. Пивоварова // Образование и виртуальность – 2002 : сборник научных трудов 6-ой Междунар. конф. Украинской ассоциации дистанционного образования, 2002. – Харьков-Ялта : УАДО, 2002. – С. 151–154.https://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/29216The main goal of this project is technological support for efficient methodical maintenance for all of the education forms including distance learning. For that we propose the site, on which each lecturer can place teach materials : annotation, program of the course, summary for the lectures, tasks for laboratory works, tasks for practice, materials for students self-instruction, links, various tests for self-examination, at last, the present rating of students. Lecturer can change his web page without special knowledge in area of web-technologyotherсетевой университетдистанционное обучениеСетевой университетConference proceedings