Гороховатський, В. О.Запорожченко, А. П.Сірик, Т. О.Тарасенко, О. П.2020-03-192020-03-192020Дослідження результативності застосування ознак розподілів даних для обчислення релевантності описів зображень / Гороховатський В. О., Запорожченко А. П., Сірик Т. О., Тарасенко О. П. // Системи управління, навігації та зв’язку, вип. 1 (59), с. 68–73, doi: 10.26906/SUNZ.2020.1.068.http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/11136The subjects of the paper are the models of data attributes distribution of key point descriptors for recognition and classification of visual objects in computer vision systems. The goal is the investigation of the modification of an image structural classification method based on the matching fragment distributions of image descriptor set. The tasks include the development of mathematical and software models of efficient relevance estimation based on the data distribution, investigation of the properties of these models, evaluation of the effectiveness of image classification. Methods below are used: an ORB detector to form the key point descriptors, data mining, methods for construction of the bitwise data distribution, a method of metric relevance estimation, software modeling. The following results were obtained. The transition from the sets of descriptors to distributions of fragments, the construction and matching of distributions provide the decent classification performance. Classification is performed several times faster compared to the usage of descriptor sets directly. Conclusion. The contribution of the paper is the improvement of the structural image classification method with the description of a block structure using distribution values for fragments of the set of key point descriptors. The practical significance of the paper is the increase of image relevance calculation speed, verification of the effectiveness of the proposed attribute space with image examples, obtaining of an application software models for research and implementation of classification methods in computer vision systems. Keywords: computer vision, structural image classification methods, key point, ORB detector, descriptor, fragment data distribution, descriptive relevance, Manhattan metric, speed of relevance estimation.ukкомп’ютерний зіррозподіл даних фрагментурелевантність описівдескрипторДослідження результативності застосування ознак розподілів даних для обчислення релевантності описів зображеньINVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DATA FEATURES DISTRIBUTION FOR IMAGE RELEVANCE ESTIMATIONArticle