Gritsunov, A. V.2019-05-312019-05-312014Gritsunov A. Electron-Positron Matter Waves as Oscillations of Minkowski Spacetime / Gritsunov A. // Proc. 15th IEEE Int. Vacuum Electronics Conf. (IVEC 2014) – Monterey, California (USA). – 2014. – P. 503-504. attempt is made to generalize the basic idea of the self-sufficient potential formalism in electrodynamics (interpretation of electromagnetic phenomena as natural or forced oscillations of the Minkowski spacetime treated as a distributed electromagnetic oscillating system) on the De Broglie waves. Both electrons and positrons are considered as excited modes (oscillations) of a distributed electronpositron oscillating system, not as "hard" particles. Thus, the matter waves are treated as real oscillations of the Minkowski spacetime, not as Born's "probability waves".en-USMinkowski spacetimedistributed oscillatory systemde Broglie waveElectron-Positron Matter Waves as Oscillations of Minkowski SpacetimeConference proceedings