Демська, А. І.2019-10-252019-10-252019Demska A. Determining the productivity of UI web systems in the context of use / A. Demska // Виробництво & Мехатронні Системи 2019 : матеріали III Міжнар. конф., 24-25 жовтня 2019 р. – Харків : ХНУРЕ, 2019. – С. 101 - 105.http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/10042In this paper the importance of the Web-systems in the work of modern business processes is considered. The relevance of the issue of increasing the competitiveness of sites in the context of increasing the number of Internet resources is presented. It is proved that the most important aspect in developing an attractive for the user site is usability – a characteristic that describes how effectively the user can interact with the product. In order to achieve the real goal of usability, certain technologies and methods of assessment are needed, which is being developed by an increasing number of analysts and scientists.enwebsiteusabilitytestingEye trackingparametric modelmodel reengineeringDetermining the productivity of UI web systems in the context of useThesis