Beskorovainyi, V.Russkin, V.2022-01-242022-01-242021Beskorovainyi V. Formalization of optimization task in corporate computer network reengineering projects / V. Beskorovainyi, V. Russkin // Математичне моделювання процесів в економіці та управлінні проектами і програмами (ММП-2021) : зб. пр. Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., Коблево, 13–17 вересня 2021. – Харків: ХНУРЕ, 2021. – С. 8–10. formalization of the multi criteria task of reengineering of a corporate computer network is carried out, which assumes its structural, topological, parametric and technological optimization according to the complex indicator "effect-costs". The proposed detailing of indicators in the form of particular criteria of costs, efficiency, reliability and survivability allows us to reduce it to a traditional optimization problem with a scalar criterionenautomation of designreengineering of corporate computer networksmulticriteria optimizationdecision makingdirected search of optionsFormalization of optimization task in corporate computer network reengineering projectsThesis