Stognii, N. P.Butenko, N. S.Sakhnenko, N. K.2018-05-142018-05-142017Stognii N. P. Plasmonic properties of selfsimilar cluster of silver nanowires / N. P. Stognii, N. S. Butenko, N. К. Sakhnenko // III International Young Scientists Forum on Applied Physics and Engineering (YSF-2017), October 17-20, 2017. – Lviv, 2017. – P. 323-326. investigate the plasmonic properties of selfsimilar linear cluster of silver nanowires and compare the obtained results with the characteristics of standard (or identical) coupled nanowires. We came to the conclusion that such a structural complexity of cluster is able to provide significant increase in the concentration of the local field in the gap between the smallest nanowires. Optimized forms of clusters with narrowband and high-intensity plasmonic resonances are revealed.enSelfsimilar clusterplasmon resonanceslocalized surface plasmonsPlasmonic properties of selfsimilar cluster of silver nanowiresConference proceedings