Nevliudov, I. Sh.Yevsieiev, V.Klymenko, O.2023-05-032023-05-032023Nevliudov I. Development of the QR Code Frame Processing Method for Sorting Conveyor Lines / I. Nevliudov, V. Yevsieiev, O. Klymenko // Автоматизація та комп’ютерно-інтегровані технології у виробництві та освіті : стан, досягнення, перспективи розвитку : матеріали Всеукр. наук.-практ. Internet-конференції. – Черкаси, 2023. - C. 158-160. codes are one of the most popular ways to mark goods and identify them on conveyor sorting lines. However, on mixed conveyor lines, where there may be different types of products with different types of packaging, there are problems with reading QR codes. One of the main problems is that mixed lines can have uneven lighting and different scanning angles, which can distort the QR code and make it difficult to recognize.enconveyor sorting linesQR codesDevelopment of the QR Code Frame Processing Method for Sorting Conveyor LinesThesis